Crop List

My first lot of veg will mostly be defined by what the animals eat. So with that in mind I will probably start with the following.
Fine Green Beans
Spring Greens

Also I will start the following as me and my partner eat quite a lot of them.
Red Grapes
And some shallots because mum asked me if I would.
I would like to try Cucumelons too but maybe not this year.

I’m not sure yet if I will grow herbs too.

I am aware that I need to look into companion planting too. This again will happen when I actually have a plot and when I know what is being grown where.

There might be more added to this list but it does depend on the state of the plot and how soon I can actually get down there and start.

The next post will be about the veiwing of the allotment. I might even be able to get some pictures, which would be good.

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